
Goals to do what I love!

Diversifying my business over the past couple of months has been really tough. I’m putting lots of my limited time and energy into it because I want to be able to support myself financially as well as supporting other people with invisible disabilities and raising awareness. It’s important to me and I want to get back to being independent and successful so deciding to focus on this has been hard. It’s difficult to say no to family and friends when I need to do research or networking meetings and that’s all the energy I’ve got for that day, but I feel like it’s starting to pay off!
I’ve done lots more speaking at networking meetings, met some amazing people who are helping me along my journey and who I can support with recommendations and referrals. These people have become friends and have encouraged me to see how I can use my skills to reach my bigger goals of being an effective disability advocate.

I had my first Jamberry stall today and I’m really proud of how it looked and how I’m able to be super proud of the products and the company as a business opportunity. I’m still promoting my Forever Living business and making sales from my Aloe Vera range, as well as selling my slogan T-shirts and donating some of the profits to charity. I love the retail products that I sell and love delivering orders to people and seeing their faces! I’m excited to do more stalls and parties leading up to Christmas where I can blend in the 3 retail sides of my business! It’s fab chatting to people and parties and stalls are super fun!

Then there’s the other areas that I’m moving into. I’m working with the Percy Hedley Foundation doing employability training with the students as well as disability awareness speaking to potential employers. It’s fab being able to use the skills I’ve gained from my previous jobs to build into my own business. I’m hoping to do more of this with other organisations as it’s what I’m passionate about, I love helping people and encouraging and supporting people with disabilities to move towards work is just so rewarding.
Getting one of my blogs into The Mighty made me so proud! I’ve had over 1000 likes on it so far and more people are finding me on FB, twitter and Instagram which is brilliant! I’m going to submit more blogs to them and try to promote my writing in other forums.

All of this is taking it out of me both mentally and physically and I know that even the little I’ve been doing is too much and I can’t sustain this. So next week is quiet…ish!! I’m moving house next weekend so I’ve got time booked in for packing and moving, as well as a nice afternoon at the pool with a friend to relax. I’ve been doing about 30 mins of meditation and 10 minutes of stretching and exercises most days and my pain has been up and down, my fatigue is heading towards a big wall, but my mobility has been improving which is so exciting!!

I love what I’m doing, I enjoy the variety and the flexibility of doing little pockets of work as and when I’m able, and building it into my social life as I sell my nail wraps, aloe and T-shirts to friends and family. I love being able to volunteer and work with charities that I completely believe in and feel as if I’m giving back and helping others. All of this keeps me going, it keeps me motivated and able to get up everyday. It gives me things to write in my happy book and let’s me make new friends and find a creative outlet through writing which I’ve always enjoyed.

My journey is moving forwards, my health might be up and down, as unpredictable as ever but I’m moving towards my goals and I know I’ll get there. It might take me longer than I’d like, but I need to take my own advice, pace myself and be sensible about how much I do. So in that note I’m going to have a nice long bath and take myself to bed early!

Let me know how you manage work, life and health…all tips are worth sharing!
Vic xx

2 thoughts on “Goals to do what I love!

  1. Hello,
    My name is Jill AnnMarie. I love finding blogs like this. Sharing our stories, ideas and goals is a great way to show how our lives can go on. So many people want to give up and give in, but there is still more out there for those who are chronically ill. Thank you for sharing. If you ever want to read some of my stuff feel free to visit http://www.FibroMama.ca
    All the best! #SoftHugs
    Jill AnnMarie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jill AnnMarie, I want to live my life the best and fullest that I can and love hearing from others in similar situations, thanks for sharing your blog, I’m off to have a read now xx


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